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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cult of Isis

P233 - Cult of Isis

Translucent red enameled solar disk, horned and throned, of the great Egyptian and universal Goddess.

Height : 32mm
Width : 20mm
Depth : 7mm

Celts Cross

Celts Cross

Early Christianity in classical Celtic carved knotwork.

Height : 39mm
Width : 19mm
Depth : 2mm
Weight : 12

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dragon's Blood Incense

Traditionally burned for love, protection, exorcism, and sexual potency.  The dried resin is believed to be a powerful protective charm  when carried, sprinkled around the house, or smoldered as incense and has been used to drive evil and negativity away when burned. 

This is a non-combustible resin incense, which means heat must be applied to release its fragrance (usually with a self-lighting charcoal tablet). To use incense, ignite a charcoal tablet and place in a heat-proof container.

php 250 for 40 grams

Dragon's Blood Anointing oil

In this version, organic jojoba oil is infused by the sun for at least two weeks with dragons' blood resin. Though wonderful on skin, jojoba base is more like a wax than an oil and is perfect for anointing candles, tools, and person, or include it in soaps and ritual baths. Jojoba oil has a much longer shelf life than edible oils and is therefore more suitable to keep around for occasional use, although more expensive.

Dragon' blood resin has no fragrance in and of itself unless burned. This oil can be imbued with any of the sacred scents, depending on your purpose. I usually use organic frankincense to convey a temple quality, but others such as sandalwood, vanilla, myrrh and patchouli can be blended for a fragrance unique to you or your coven. Please indicate any preferences when ordering.

Use for love magic, protection, offense, and destruction of evil. Use as a spell booster to increase power as you would menstrual blood. Add it to other oils to increase their potency. Dragon's blood resin is a colorant, so this oil can stain clothes. Like everything I produce, each and every bottle is hand made.

Php 280 for 1 dram glass vial. please shake before use

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Constellation Dzi With 8Mm Labradorite Bracelet

A beautiful bracelet made up of a Constellation Dzi Bead and labradorite beads strung on tough elastic cording. 

This dzi symbolizes the inherent power of the universe and posseses mystical power that bestows its wearer with increased merit and virtue.

Labradorite is a protective stone. It is also a crystal that helps stimulate intuition, banish insecurities and fear, and calm an overactive mind. 

Sodalite 12mm

Sodalite brings inner peace. Keep sodalite in your pockets and in every room of your house, so its peaceful properties will flow all around you.
Sodalite is a dark blue stone with white calcite interspersed. It is sometimes confused with lapis lazuli as it also has small specks of pyrite in it. The largest deposit of sodalite is in Brazil.
Sodalite is the stone of athletics, as it stimulates endurance. It is said sodalite will harmonize the inner being or the conscious and subconscious mind. Sodalite promotes peace and harmony. Sodalite is extra lucky for writers.

Healing properties of Sodalite

Sodalite is associated with the thyroid. It is perfect in a necklace. Wear it when you want to loose a few pounds. It helps in communicating and will give confidence to speak more.


Labradorite is a protective stone. It is also a crystal that helps stimulate intuition, banish insecurities and fear, and calm an overactive mind. 

Labradorite is a power stone, allowing you to see through illusions and determine the actual form of your dreams and goals. It is excellent for strengthening intuitions.
Use labradorite to:
  • Stimulate imagination
  • Develop enthusiasm and thus, new ideas
  • To see more clearly in meditation